Buyer’s Worksheet
Why do you want to buy a business?
Investment : A Job : Creativity : Life style : Where I live : Avocation
More Money : Earn A Living ________(specify amount) : Professional Experience :
Something to do
Other ________________________
What kind of work fulfills you? (Circle those that apply. Fill in “other” if you don’t see your answers. Put a line through any you cannot stand.)
Administration : Professional ______________(specify) : Physical Labor : Sales
Financial : Service : Manufacturing : Creative
Other ________________________
What work environment(s) do you enjoy? (Circle those that apply. Fill in “other” if you don’t see your answers. Put a line through any you cannot stand.)
People rich : Outdoor : Office : Retail : Warehouse : Fancy
Standard : Travel : Animals : Healing
Other ________________________
What skills will you have to contribute to the business activity?
List ________________________
What kind of work/kind of business would you absolutely not want to be involved in?
List ________________________
What is your financial capability to buy?
How much money, that which is liquid, do you have to contribute to the purchase and working capital of a business? What other resources of yours or others might you bring to the table?
What credit score do you have?
What is your approximate net worth?
What about your personal life influences your purchase or operation of a business?
Spouse/Partner : Other Family : Time Away : Physical Challenges : Time Constraints
Will someone, perhaps a family member, beyond you be working in a business you buy?
How much of your day, week, year to you want to be working?
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