It is only the end of January and already, it feels more robust than last year. There are more contacts from prospective buyers.
Business owners are talking about their business picking up. For some waiting a couple of years until they can show some history of improving net-to-owner will be the proper course before listing. It would be a great practice to meet with a broker now, learning what the value considerations are. Then work to achieve these over the recovery.
One point made here is to have financial projections. This is a great idea but it is important to put a disclaimer on the projects that you, the business seller, can not guaranty the projections. These projections can be enhanced if the seller can show a trend line that demonstrates historical performance continuing UP in the future.
The section about ‘maybe it isn’t time yet’ is right on. A person I know who has his business on the market could decide to take it off so performance can catch up with financial expectations.