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So far pdakin has created 211 blog entries.

Your Making It Through – A Covid-19 virus To Do List

During this Time A Few Resources Morgan Stanley believes this ‘recession’ will be far shorter than what was experience with the recession starting in 2008.  As virus cases drop, the economic downturn will come back more rapidly.  Perhaps this will begin as early as mid April, 2020.  (provided by CBS Sunday Morning, 3/29/2020) No one answer is for all. Things are quickly changing. Check in periodically for amendments to this list. If you [...]

2020-03-29T13:17:19-06:00March 29, 2020|

Typical Seller Process – 2019

Updated from earlier post. First, know what you are going to do, by Joan Sotkin. Everything we say is routine, turns out to have its own twists and turns.  This is true with selling a small business as well.  In this case, a small business is one that has perhaps $3,000,000 in annual sales.  It may not be so small to operate and certainly requires the ingenuity of the owner. From the seller’s [...]

2019-08-15T14:59:30-06:00August 15, 2019|

When the Seemingly Frivolous Cost Makes Sense

Martin never, ever sells anything from his upscale gallery space but refuses to close it.   Why, one wonders, does he take this position.  It happens that Martin’s seemingly excessive cost of rent with no payback guarantee’s his income.  Want to know why? The art Martin sells is one-of-a-kind woven pieces of considerable size, some even 6’ x 10’, all made in a specific country by several different artists and in many cases may [...]

2019-04-13T09:56:21-06:00April 13, 2019|

The Buyer’s Unreasonable Offer – or not

No, the buyer’s offer is not even close to the asking price – why!   Sylvia has been operating her bookkeeping business as a solo-preneur for 15 years now.  She works out of her home with no staff and enjoys a 95% of revenue as cash to owner, revenue less all expenses or net income.   Her clients have known her for years.  It seems reasonable she would be able to command a nice purchase [...]

2019-04-05T08:30:12-06:00April 5, 2019|

Intellectual Property – Is it or is it not?

Francisco asked if his patterns, ones he designed and used in his garment-making business could be intellectual property (IP). Likely not. These are some features of IP that help to explain why not - even though Francisco had clearly designed something beautiful and something that could be reused.IP is often based on patented concepts, therefore protected from anyone else making something similar. .The patterns are not patented and likely would be difficult and [...]

2019-03-30T14:33:36-06:00March 30, 2019|

Buying a Small Share of a Company

Juan is considering the purchase of a 10% share of a business with a great business plan in a new industry.  The founder will retain 90% ownership.  Juan expects to pay 10% of the full value of the company.   A full-valuation has been done by an independent valuation specialist.  What risk might Juan have? He could have risk of not being able to market his small share of the business and/or a lack [...]

2018-10-24T15:28:57-06:00October 24, 2018|

Earn outs – the case for most any industry.

Consider this:  If the seller and buyer can not come to terms between one price or another, or a specific industry or company is flagging, or the business clients are tied to the seller, an earn out as a piece of the purchase price.  Here Holly explains the method...   What is an Earn Out Payment? by Holly Magister An Earn Out Payment is additional future compensation paid to the owner(s) of a [...]

2017-12-15T08:46:07-07:00December 15, 2017|

Why Use A Business Broker/Intermediary

This list was created as noted at the bottom and adapted to fit business intermediaries as well (see green for adaptations). The top reasons sellers hire brokers/intermediaries are these: Brokers/intermediaries know how to sell businesses; most sellers don’t 24% Seller doesn’t want to be distracted from running business 16% Confidentiality preservation and knowledge of what/when to show buyers 14% Access broker’s database of potential buyers and investors 13% Maximize price buyers will pay [...]

2017-11-30T09:42:39-07:00November 30, 2017|

Some Nuances to Cash Flows

One of the routine evaluations of business owner's (and their consultants) relative to value to sell is cash flow. In fact it is a heart of the matter.  Often the simple cash flow example is stated this way: Cash flow to a single owner is Bottom line of the tax return or related profit and loss statement Plus Non-cash items Plus Interest Plus Owner's wage Plus Other personal items not required in the [...]

2017-11-15T06:59:20-07:00November 15, 2017|

Do you want to develop more business?

One of the great ways of expanding business is through tuck ins. A tuck in is the process of one business buying another business in the same or related field and merely tucking it in, much as the tail ends of the sheet you tuck into the end of your bed to have a full set of bedding. Really. Often the acquiring business has the benefit of maintaining the new revenue while reducing [...]

2017-11-01T08:56:46-06:00November 1, 2017|
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