Non-profits are not immune from the economic challenges facing so many. In this survival mode, can organization leaders look within and find the strength to not only plan for additional disaster but make itself stronger for any economic time? I learn yesterday that indeed they can. The Espanola Valley Humane Society leadership, spent five hours with a volunteer facilitator, Tom Allin, one of the owners of Jinja in Santa Fe. The group dug deep in the difficult terrain of caring simultaneously for people and animals, the uncomfortable topics of animal welfare, and the conflicting grand vision for the future and current economic situation to find a new more flexible organization. The shelter is now better prepared for any circumstance and decidedly moving forward. Then, just to top off the day, Nina, the volunteer coordinator, and volunteers adopted out 18 animals to forever homes. Nice Job Nina! Visit the shelter website to learn more about the shelter and make a BIG DONATION.