When a buyer looks at a business for sale they really want to know three things.
What is the business for sale for and what financial performance substantiates that price? The business that can show year after year of growth, the longer the better and net to owner that also demonstrates growth will be more successful at achieving a great price.
What is the outlook for the company? Is there opportunity for the company to do more wonderful things? A business where the seller can articulate the next steps in development and show that the differentiation of the business makes it unique or one of few in a market will have more appeal. As a colleague once said, “this is the sex appeal of the business for sale.”
Are all things well put together? Systems, good staff, client relationships should be in shape for the best offer.
Whether a business has a selling value of $50K or $500MM, the story is the same.
Perhaps you have some examples of how these three can be achieved?